A coherent legislative framework
Several very different pieces of legislation are impacting the battery ecosystem, from manufacture to use, to recycling and re-manufacture.
To illustrate this concept, let's take the example of a simple battery supply chain, from cradle to grave.
In this figure we just highlighted some of the most important regulations affecting the battery supply chain.
Needless to say, the regulatory framework applicable to the battery ecosystem is complex.
Battery recyclers are impacted by:
The waste regulatory framework
Waste shipment regulation
Transport regulations
Chemical regulations
Some of those regulations have been developed or updated over time independently from each other or without fully considering all the interactions between them.
This is certainly the case in the battery ecosystem.
If we want to have a sustainable long terms battery ecosystem, fulfilling the circular economy challenges as well as the Green deal challenges,; it is utmost important to have a coherent legislative package around batteries.